几十年来,科技一直在改变我们工作、娱乐和管理生活的方式. As the world continues to change and new technology becomes available, important industries like public health must also shift and change. 通过多明尼加大学新开设的公共卫生信息与技术(PHIT)健康信息学课程,成为这一变化的一部分。.

我们的跨学科健康信息学课程侧重于培养学生的数据科学, analysis and visualization skills through the lens of public health. 通过PHI,您将在不断发展的数据科学领域提升您的职业前景. PHIT辅修/集中将允许您通过公共卫生的镜头发展您的信息学技能.

As part of your studies, you’ll participate in a paid internship, so you can put your skills into practice in a real-life PHIT environment. To help secure a great position, we’ve gathered a  group of partners to provide internships for our students, including Bon Secours Charity Health System, CorEvitas, Cornerstone Family Healthcare, EmpiRx Health, Mount Sinai Health System, and the New York State Department of Health. In addition, 专门的PHIT实习协调员将指导您的实习安排,并帮助您充分利用您的经验, whether at one of the above listed companies or elsewhere.

网投十大可靠娱乐平台是仅有的10所接受美国政府资助的大学之一.S. 美国卫生与公众服务部国家卫生信息技术协调员办公室制定PHIT计划. 因此,你的教育将处于这个令人兴奋的新兴行业的前沿. Also, 网投十大可靠娱乐平台是三州地区唯一一所获得这笔资金的机构, 所以如果你想在美国的这个地区学习公共卫生信息和技术, Dominican University is the place to be.

We are so excited about your interest in our growing PHIT program. 你们在这个行业留下的印记将对未来几代人的公共卫生产生持久的影响.

Do you PHIT?

Do you have a sense of mission to help improve lives?

Do you have a passion for analyzing data and solving puzzles?

Do you have an ability to ‘translate’ ideas to diverse people?

If you answered yes to these question, this program is right for you!

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  • Detailed program information
  • Customized scholarship and financial aid offers
  • Personal support from an admissions counselor

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A fascinating, 为就业做好准备的公共卫生信息和技术将为未来的许多工作打开大门

The highest levels of personal support

Staff who are committed to your success

The finest small-university athletic program in the region

A spirited campus environment

Close proximity to New York City and three major airports

The Dominican Difference

成为一名公共卫生信息学家将开辟一条刚刚出现在地平线上的道路——无论是在私营部门还是公共部门机构. 数据技能将是当今学生成功和社会流动性的关键. This is a terrific opportunity to expand career options

Carrie Boericke, PHIT Program Manager


Full-time Faculty

Miles from NYC

100% of First-Time,
Full-Time Freshman Receive Financial Aid

Job Opportunities

通过公共卫生信息学和技术培训,您将有能力在卫生部门获得广泛的工作. If a role involves handling health information/data, you’ll likely be qualified, and you could also pursue managerial positions within the health sector. 你可能找到工作的地方包括疾病控制中心, hospitals, community health centers, patient advocacy groups, health IT companies and more.

As this an evolving field, many of the job titles are changing rapidly.  However, 一旦你完成了健康信息学课程,你就可以申请以下一些现有的职位:

Program coordinator

Clinical informatics analyst

Health informatics specialist

Health informatics consultant

EHR implementation manager

Health information technology project manager

Program manager

What You’ll Learn

公共卫生信息与技术是一个发展中的领域,它将数据科学的进步应用于医学,以改善公共卫生. It can be used to help communities cope with pandemics, address health disparities in various communities, 发现使卫生专业人员能够使人口更健康和更安全的趋势, and prepare communities for possible disasters. You’ll develop skills in data science, 在您感兴趣的卫生保健和人口健康的背景下的数据管理和项目管理.

您将从PHIT课程开始,该课程介绍了解决问题的计划和职业选择. 您将通过学习数据分析和可视化技能来检查案例研究以及如何使用它们来解决社区健康差异. You’ll learn how to leverage technology to improve public health. 除了技术技能,你还需要调整各种各样的软技能. To put your skills to use, 你将参加现实的角色扮演练习,在其中你将应对公共卫生危机, 给你宝贵的生活体验,确保你能在未来的工作场所开始运作.

Degree Details



Learn More



  • Introduction to Public Health Informatics (PHIT requirement)
  • Health Information Management
  • Data Literacy and Health Information Exchange (PHIT requirement)
  • Epidemiology
  • PHIT for Emergency Preparedness and Surveillance (PHIT requirement)


  • PHIT与健康科学专业-这是一个很好的选择,如果你最热衷于与医疗专业人员一起工作,以改善公共卫生系统
  • PHIT和信息技术专业——如果你对分析数据和识别趋势更感兴趣,这是一个很好的选择, so you can provide quality information to decision makers
  • PHIT辅修-如果你热衷于学习数据分析技能,以支持你的决策, this minor is for you

Department Staff

Carrie Boericke

Carrie Boericke

PHIT Project Manager and Assistant Professor

Mary McLean-Hely

Mary McLean-Hely

Director of Online Education/Instructional Technologist, Interim Coordinator for Information Technology Program

Jonathan Delgado

Jonathan Delgado

Assistant Dean of Student Development & Title IX Coordinator, Emergency Preparedness Instructor

Denise Dawkins Weir

Denise Dawkins Weir

PHIT Internship Coordinator

Your Future Starts Now